I've never been thrown out of anything that I can recall. But I got thrown out of chemotherapy! My last chemo was scheduled for May 20, but my neutrophils didn't measure up. So, I got booted from the program. Everyone asks "delayed til when?". Actually, not delayed but stopped. The purpose of the chemo I receive is to make the tumor more penetrable by the radiation. Since my radiation treatment ends (May 26) before I would be able to get another chemo dose, I am finished with chemo. Trust the experts--of course I asked three experts and got the same answer before buying in! But I missed the bell ringing; the end of chemo was a non-event. However, radiation wrapped up on Wednesday, May 26. Instead of ringing the bell on the radiation floor they gave me a card and a bell pin. When I checked out on the main floor of the James, the receptionists all gave me a standing ovation from behind their plexiglass. The doctor reported that the results of my treatment meet the bes...