May 9, 2021

How about some good news? I got a new haircut that is more accommodating for my thinning hair. 

And now for the truly good news. I meet with the radiation oncologist every week and on Monday, May 3 he told me that the tumor was shrinking. Even showed us pictures of the outline where it had been and where it was now. Gotta hand it to chemo and radiation....they are powerful advocates to have along for this journey. It makes it much easier to forgive them for the side effects. Although I can't complain; my discomfort has been manageable. 

I'm only going to talk about Benadryl a bit in this update. Still couldn't find my mouth with the water bottle at first. And the effects wore off in half the time. Mast be getting used to it!

And the numbers are: 4 of 6 chemo treatments behind me -- 66.67% down and over half of the radiation treatments complete >%50. 

Now, a bit of advice, speak of my chemo-radiation like a pregnancy. You know you're never supposed to say to the pregnant woman that the pregnancy has gone really fast (those 9 months were fast for you maybe...not so much for the mother!) Same here!

Soldier on!



  1. Love your new hairdo! Mindy is definitely the best.
    AND... excellent news about the tumor. Your positive attitude has definitely been a significant part of kicking this tumor's ass. Love you lots ❣️

  2. Such great news and you look marvelous daring. Will definitely past the news along to the boys and Sandy. In the meantime keep up the good fight.


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