APRIL 20, 2021

Visited with the radiation oncologist yesterday, the top of the doctor pyramid. When he came in, he said "well, I have news--(uh oh, I think)--it's good news but it means more tests."  Not a problem for me, tests are fine. 

The fluid in my lung has reduced by almost half since April 2, the date of  the original simulation and markings for radiation machine to zap me! That's the good news, but the reduction of fluid means the lung has moved. So I will go through the simulation again. Not really a big deal-It's a matter of laying in a machine and getting marked with sharpies and then getting the marks covered in clear tape.  I hope they switch to pink sharpie this time! 

While this planning is taking place they will be able to continue the daily treatment. I'm still in the range of the original markings. And it won't take the full 10 days to do the calibration
 for new markings. 

Oh, and I went mushroom hunting before my appointment. This picture is from a previous year. No luck.


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