April 22, 2021 CHEMO DAY I've had one week of daily radiation treatments, so it's time for the next chemo treatment. This is round 2 of 6 weeks of chemo. Apparently I still haven't become accustomed to the liquid Benadryl injection. I disagree with this nurse who said it's just like the pink pill, but goes in faster. A bottle of pink pills maybe. Here I am about a minute after the Benadryl injection when I asked Glenn to help me find my glasses...they were on my face the whole time! My conversation sounded like I had either spent time at the bar or the dentist so I snoozed and tried to read. Glenn did his usual great job of handing me things and being patient during the 2 1/2 hour process. So, 2 of 6 treatments = 1/3 = 33.3%. 33% of these treatments behind me. Pretty exciting. Nothing about this week would be complete without mentioning the 3.5" of snow on Wednesday that required knocking the snow off the new tree. It looks like it's going to s...